Radakka invites you to prayer every Wednesday starting 7:30pm @Holy Innocent Church 279 east 17th street Brooklyn, NY 11226

Prayer on Rezo weekdays at 6:00am and 8:30pm 
Rezo# (605)313-5156 Access code: 197072#

Charismatic Prayer Meetings

Every Wednesday at 7:30pm

Holy Innocents R.C. church in Brooklyn

  • Seminar: Life in the Spirit
  • Feast of Pentecost
  • Revivals / personal Retreat
  • Prayer on line every night at 8:30pm
  • Novenas / Jericho

  • Spiritual concert

 The Charismatic Renewal was eventually sparked in the Catholic Church in 1967, when a group of students on retreat at Duquesne University began praying for a fresh outpouring of Pentecost. Many of them had profound “baptism in the Spirit” experiences and they shared these experiences with other in prayer. John the Baptist told his followers that the Messiah “will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire.” (Luke 3:16)  In the Acts of the Apostles we see that the early church believed this and saw it come to pass. They continued to pray for the outpouring of the Spirit.

To be a part of a prayer session or any questions email: Prayer@Radakka.org


Be part of our free conference prayer line every morning from 6h30 am to 8h am & every night from 8h30 pm to 10h30pm.

To participate call (605) 313-5156 code 197072